Goran Bregovic Wedding & Funeral Band
Zvizdal (Chernobyl, so far-so close)
Di tutti i colori
Le mouvement de l'air
John Malkovic "Report on the blind"
Paradiso-Primo passo
Sting in concerto 57th & 9th
altri spettacoli 2017
Goran Bregovic Wedding & Funeral Band
Goran Bregovic Wedding & Funeral Band
Zvizdal (Chernobyl, so far-so close)
Zvizdal (Chernobyl, so far-so close)
Di tutti i colori
Di tutti i colori
Le mouvement de l'air
Le mouvement de l'air
John Malkovic "Report on the blind"
John Malkovic "Report on the blind"
Paradiso-Primo passo
Paradiso-Primo passo
Sting in concerto 57th & 9th
Sting in concerto 57th & 9th
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